Stationery products
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Product full name: Staples №23/10 ErichKrause (box 1000 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Zinc plated staples of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Sharp angle of each staple easily provides stapling of large volume of documents. Barrels are resistant to easily segmentation due to quality gluing. Corrosion-resistant. Staple up…
Product full name: Staples №23/10 ErichKrause (box 1000 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Zinc plated staples of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Sharp angle of each staple easily provides stapling of large volume of documents. Barrels are resistant to easily segmentation due to quality gluing. Corrosion-resistant. Staple up to 70 sheets.
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Staple size: №23/10
Color: silver
Material: zink plated steel
Individual package quantity: 1000
Gender: does not matter
Country: China
Logistic information
Article: 4558
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: box
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 7.1*1.3*8.1
Volume, m3: 0.000112
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.09 | 0.1
Barcode: 4041485045588
Consolidated package
Package type: shrink film
Number of products: 20
Dimensions, сm.: 13.0*8.0*16.6
Volume, m3: 0.00224
Weight net/gross, kg.: 1.8 | 2
Barcode: 4041485803096
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 200
Dimensions, сm.: 28.0*18.0*43.0
Volume, m3: 0.021672
Weight net/gross, kg.: 18 | 20
Barcode: 34041485045589

Staples №23/10 ErichKrause (box 1000 pcs)

Price per item*:
Staple size:
Quantity in set:
Multiplicity: 1 pieces.
Article Package type Q-ty in set Store Price per item, Price for pack,
4558 box 1
150.00 150.00
Product full name: Staples №23/10 ErichKrause (box 1000 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Zinc plated staples of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Sharp angle of each staple easily provides stapling of large volume of documents. Barrels are resistant to easily segmentation due to quality gluing. Corrosion-resistant. Staple up to 70 sheets.
Product full name: Staples №23/10 ErichKrause (box 1000 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Zinc plated staples of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Sharp angle of each staple easily provides stapling of large volume of documents. Barrels are resistant to easily segmentation due to quality gluing. Corrosion-resistant. Staple up to 70 sheets.
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Staple size: №23/10
Color: silver
Material: zink plated steel
Individual package quantity: 1000
Gender: does not matter
Country: China
Selling rating: -
Model status: -
Logistic information
Article: 4558
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: box
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 7.1*1.3*8.1
Volume, m3: 0.000112
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.09 | 0.1
Barcode: 4041485045588
Consolidated package
Package type: shrink film
Number of products: 20
Dimensions, сm.: 13.0*8.0*16.6
Volume, m3: 0.00224
Weight net/gross, kg.: 1.8 | 2
Barcode: 4041485803096
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 200
Dimensions, сm.: 28.0*18.0*43.0
Volume, m3: 0.021672
Weight net/gross, kg.: 18 | 20
Barcode: 34041485045589
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